Friday, August 28, 2009

What Am I Doing?

Lately it's been really tugging on my heart. There are people in this world that I have the capability to help and I need to do it. I need to take action. I just feel like I need to do SOMETHING. I'm tired of just sitting on the bench when I should be in the game trying to score. I'm praying I start to see poverty through God's eyes. I want to truly be a part of his mission and his Great Commission. The crazy thing is that poverty isn't even the root of the problem. The problem I see within myself is selfishness, greed, and just a flat out lack of compassion. This has to change. As I stare at the computer I ask myself,"What Am I Doing?"

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled across you and am trying to find out what you are about. I hope it is this. It is all about the glory of God. Every day. I will be praying for you and your ministry.
